(First in Catalan, and below in English)
La Diada de Sant Jordi commemora la mort d'aquest sant, el 23 d'abril de l'any 303. És un dia en què tradicionalment als Països Catalans les parelles es regalen una rosa i un llibre.
Tradicionalment i des del segle XV, a Catalunya la diada de Sant Jordi és el dia dels enamorats, i és costum que les parelles es regalin una rosa vermella "com la sang" i un llibre. La presència del llibre és deguda a que la diada coincideix amb el Dia internacional del llibre, que des de 1930 commemora la mort de Miguel de Cervantes i de Shakespeare.
A tots els que tingueu un amor esperant una rosa, os animo a que a més de la flor. regaleu un poema.
Aquí en va un de català:
Amor, em plau la teva veu tan fina
(Miquel Martí i Pol)
Amor, em plau la teva veu tan fina
i el teu mirar sorprès, interrogant,
quan la tendra duresa de la sina
m’endolceix la duresa de les mans.
Em plau saber-te vora meu, quieta,
i llegir-te en els llavis el desig,
i veure’t tremolosa, insatisfeta,
si malmet el silenci algun trepig.
Perquè un gust nou, que encisa i que perdura,
s’ha arrecerat al teu posat incert
i ets picant com la fruita poc madura
quan jugues amb els ulls a no ser pura,
amb els ulls tan intensament oberts.
Bona diada de Sant Jordi, a tots i a totes.
Saint George (Diòspolis, Palestine, v. 270 - Nicomedia, Bithynia, 303) was a Roman soldier converted to Christianity and died as a martyr, not wanting to abjure their faith. It is revered in most Christian denominations and Islam, becoming one of the most popular saints, especially during the Middle Ages. However, its historicity is disputed and probably is a legendary character.
The St. George's Day commemorates the death of this saint on April 23 in 303. It is traditionally a day when the Catalan Countries couples are given a rose and a book.
Traditionally, and from the fifteenth century in Catalonia Sant Jordi is the day of lovers, and it is customary that couples are given a red rose, "like blood" and a book. The presence of the book is due to the day that coincides with World Book Day, which since 1930 commemorates the death of Miguel de Cervantes and Shakespeare.
(Miquel Martí i Pol)
Amor, em plau la teva veu tan fina
i el teu mirar sorprès, interrogant,
quan la tendra duresa de la sina
m’endolceix la duresa de les mans.
Em plau saber-te vora meu, quieta,
i llegir-te en els llavis el desig,
i veure’t tremolosa, insatisfeta,
si malmet el silenci algun trepig.
Perquè un gust nou, que encisa i que perdura,
s’ha arrecerat al teu posat incert
i ets picant com la fruita poc madura
quan jugues amb els ulls a no ser pura,
amb els ulls tan intensament oberts.
Bona diada de Sant Jordi, a tots i a totes.
Saint George (Diòspolis, Palestine, v. 270 - Nicomedia, Bithynia, 303) was a Roman soldier converted to Christianity and died as a martyr, not wanting to abjure their faith. It is revered in most Christian denominations and Islam, becoming one of the most popular saints, especially during the Middle Ages. However, its historicity is disputed and probably is a legendary character.
The St. George's Day commemorates the death of this saint on April 23 in 303. It is traditionally a day when the Catalan Countries couples are given a rose and a book.
Traditionally, and from the fifteenth century in Catalonia Sant Jordi is the day of lovers, and it is customary that couples are given a red rose, "like blood" and a book. The presence of the book is due to the day that coincides with World Book Day, which since 1930 commemorates the death of Miguel de Cervantes and Shakespeare.
To all who have a love waiting for a rose, I encourage that, in addition to a rose, presents a poem.
Here I propose a Catalan poem that I like:
Love, I'm glad your voice so fine
(Miquel Martí i Pol)
Love, I'm glad your voice so fine
and your look surprised, interrogative,
when the hardness of the tender bosom
Sweet me the hardness of the hands.
I'm glad to know you're at my side, quiet,
to read you on your lips, the desire
and see you trembling, unsatisfied,
If any trampling destroys the silence.
Because new taste that captivates and lingers,
has been sheltered in your uncertain look
and you're spicy as the shortly ripe fruit
when you play with your eyes, not to be pure.
with eyes open so intensely.
Good Saint George's Day to all boys and girls.
Here I propose a Catalan poem that I like:
Love, I'm glad your voice so fine
(Miquel Martí i Pol)
Love, I'm glad your voice so fine
and your look surprised, interrogative,
when the hardness of the tender bosom
Sweet me the hardness of the hands.
I'm glad to know you're at my side, quiet,
to read you on your lips, the desire
and see you trembling, unsatisfied,
If any trampling destroys the silence.
Because new taste that captivates and lingers,
has been sheltered in your uncertain look
and you're spicy as the shortly ripe fruit
when you play with your eyes, not to be pure.
with eyes open so intensely.
Good Saint George's Day to all boys and girls.
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